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Our directives are the rules and privileges associated with being a member of Blue Horizon.

Directive One

We are here to have fun in an open and welcoming atmosphere. Enjoy yourself whilst being respectful to each other at all times and you will never fall foul of directive 1. Individuals unable to comply with this requirement will be expelled. 

Directive Two

If you are interested in piracy this is not the organisation for you. We are a legitimate trading organisation united with all other organisations contending with the common threat of piracy. As such any Blue Horizon member reported for carrying out acts of piracy will be investigated and, if confirmed, be expelled and become immediately subject to Directive 3. 

Directive Three

All confirmed pirates are legitimate targets. Happy hunting. 

Directive Four

For reasons of security and maintaining competitive advantage, all members are required to maintain exclusive membership to Blue Horizon. Moreover our preference is to fly with a committed group of fellow pilots rather than a larger organisation of part time members with split loyalty.

Directive Five

While the expectation is that a member has joined to contribute in some way to the overall group, the principle of voluntary participation ensure members are free to fly alone without prejudice when and if they choose to do so.

